Police Support
"We don't need any more
woke judges"
Overwhelming police support for Scott Lynch and against his opponent. Vote SCOTT LYNCH for Judge. Endorsed by the Republican Party and Right to Life Action. Don't be fooled by attacks and fake slate cards!
Opponent O'Toole (O'No!) was given public "NO CONFIDENCE" vote to her by 3 Police FOPs and the Republican Party unanimously called for here resignation for being a "woke" prosecutor. (O'No!)
SCOTT LYNCH stands for Constitutional values against woke and for liberty.
for Judge

I am pleased to announce that I am running for Judge for the open seat at the 11th District Court of Appeals. My family has a tradition of service to the people of Northeast Ohio. My Grandfather Jack Lynch moved to Cleveland in 1954 after serving in the War Department during World War II. My Dad David served as Euclid Mayor. My Uncle Matt still serves on the 11th District Court of Appeals, where he is serving his final term (due to age limits).
As a third-generation lawyer, I am committed to carrying on the dedication to justice and our Constitution which has been the hallmark of my family’s service to the community. But I cannot win this race without your help.
I am Pro-Life, Pro-2nd Amendment, and as a judge I will continue to defend our Constitution and the rights of our citizens. I aspire to the model of "servant leadership," and I will humbly dedicate my heart, mind, soul, and strength to these values which MAKE AMERICA GREAT.
Please consider supporting my campaign with your prayers, time, donations, and your VOTE. The campaign is short and the March primary is this Tuesday March 19. THANK YOU for your support… and please PRAY that God blesses my efforts and our great nation!